Mar 3, 2019 - A major update to the mermaid lifestate mod! Sims 4 Serial Killer Mod comes with four interactions. This mod adds new Buffs and new customs animations such as Effects, Sounds, lip-syncing, and Voices. Your Sim can kill any Sim whenever you want and wherever you want. Sims 4 Serial Killer Mod Not Working; Sims 4 Extreme Violence; Killing People Mod Sims 4; Sims 4 Killer Mermaid Mod. I’ve added the mortician career mod amongst the best career mods in the Sims 4 because it’s so unique and probably unthinkable to become a mortician in such a fun game. I mean, we know EA/Maxis would never add this. So I’m really happy with this mod’s ingenuity. Experience the grim side of life in The Sims 4 by taking care of the deceased. Here is the list of 20 best Sims 4 Mods 2021: Sims 4 Mods. These Sims 4 mods have everything from minor modifications to complete rework. New ones keep on coming almost every week. However, it may be hard to keep track of which ones are the best. Many of the Sims 4 mods have not been updated for years, and any official game updates may make. The Sims 4 Mod Manager for The Sims 4 by Raxdiam DOWNLOAD A mod management tool for The Sims 4 ID: SC4-137781 Serial Killer Murder MOD Sims 4 Serial Killer Murder Mod by Studio Of Drama DOWNLOAD This is a custom script mod so it shouldn’t conflict with any other mods.
Get Your Sim Shower in Pretty Pastel Mods
We all love being girly in some point of our lives and some like to carry this girly vibe for the rest of our lives. Pastel colors are a great way to express our girly nature. From dresses, tops, skirts to hairs, there is no end to transforming yourself into the world of pretty pastels. Most of these pastel outfits are also gothic themed, so you will find a good combination that works too. Check out these pretty pastel goth mods and find out which one is your favorite.
If you Love Goth and pastel, these Mod are for You
Pastel Gothic Skirts Pack Four – Mesh Needed
These adorable little skirts are very funky and trendy. They will look good on teens, young adults and even adults. They come in 15 fascinating designs. The theme is gothic, however they look very adorable.
NataliS_Pastel Pearl Nails Collection
If you are girly person then you would love this nail set. They come in 12 different colors. They are pastel colors and they are very shiny. They add a classic posh to your hands.
Pastel Gothic Crop Top
Crop tops has always been in style and regardless of the age limit, it suits everyone. They come in six different variations. All of them are very cute and graphic. They are best suited for teens and young adults.
Pastel Gothic Skirts Pack Two – Mesh Needed
These skirts may have the gothic in mind but they look very adorable. The prints of it are gothic, but the color combination, the style of the skirt is very girly and beautiful. You will get 15 different variations of this skirt.

MFS Pastel – Dress

This gothic short dress is very trendy. It comes in three different color combinations. The top part has a zipper front which looks very sleek. The bottom part of the dress looks like a skirt. The skirt portion is very vibrant.
MFS Pastel – Shirt
This is a simple pastel short that is cropped. It looks great with a high waist pants. Black bottoms would look very good with it. It comes in four different tonalities. It has a bird like print on it.
MFS Pastel – Shorts
This pastel shorts is absolutely adorable. It has a leather like print that makes it more fashionable. It will look good with any shirt, crop top or crop shirt. It comes in five different colors.
Pastel Pleated Skirts – MESH NEEDED
This is a masterpiece skirt that has always been in fashion. It looks super cute and classy. The pleated look gives you an elegant look. It comes in 15 different prints combinations. All of them are super pastel and adorable.
“Pink Lace” – Non-Default Pastel Hair Colour
if you are going for a pastel look, your hair should transform with your outfit too. This is why this pastel pink lace hair is perfect for you. It is very girly and stylish. It will bring out the girly vibe that hides in you.
MFS Pastel – Sweater
This sweater is an essential piece in your Sim’s wardrobe because it looks very classy and it will go with every outfit. It comes in one color. The print of it is very sleek and trendy and your Sim would look perfect in it. It is perfect for the winter and fall.
The Sims 4 Killer Mermaid Mods
Britney Pastel Rainbow Hair – Sintiklia Recolor
Talk about your girly and pastel style, you need to dye your hair the right way too. This Britney inspired hairstyle with rainbow pastel colors looks very fascinating. It comes in four different swatches.
Pastel Gothic Skirts Pack Five – Mesh Needed
This is another set of gothic short skirts that look super adorable. The prints, the colors and the variation is impressive. They look good with high kneed socks or boots. Any crop top of crop sweater would look good with this style.
Pastel Gothic Skirts Pack Seven – Mesh Needed
if you are a fan of skirts in general than skater skirts has to be one of your favorites too. This style comes in 20 different variations. They are super adorable with pastel colors. All of them would look good on any teen and young adult.
Pastel Gothic Crop Top Pack Two
if you are looking for a good top to go with your gothic skirt, then this design will do it. These crop tops are very adorable with pastel colors and gothic style. They come in six variations. The neck of it is slightly boat like.
Pastel Gothic Skirts – mesh needed
This is another set of skater skirts with super pastel and gothic themed combined. They look good with any type of socks . There are 17 different variations so anyone would be able to pick something they like.
Pastel Skater Skirts- Mesh Needed
These set of skirts are perfect for the teens. They come in floral prints, rainbow print, simple pastel one color, and other prints. All of them have one thing in common that is they are all adorable. They come in 20 different variations.
Pastel Gothic Crop Tops Pack Three
These crops tops are very stylish with simple prints on top and the color combination is rather unique. The simple design of a little nutella sign, a cute sign saying DIE, a galaxy design, all of them are very adorable to look at. The neckline is boat like and looks very trendy.
Dynasty Pastel Rainbow hair Anto’s retexture
The idea of pastel colored hair is so bold and only the women who really enjoy pastel can have the guts to pull it off. It looks very fancy and very similar to a mermaid swimming in her glory. This hairstyle comes in five different swatches.
Pastel Gothic Crop Tops Pack Four
If you are looking forcute little crop tops for your teen Sim then these set of crop tops will do it. They are a combination of goth and pastel. They look very adorable with skater skirts. The vibe is very girly, flowery and pink.
Pastel Gothic Skirts Pack Six – Mesh Needed
These set of skirts are another hit for the teen Sims. They are full of pastel colors, rainbows, bold but simple prints. The style is skater so it goes well with any type of top. The variety is impressive. You can wear them with shirts tucked in too.
Pastel Bikini Top
These bikini tops are very simple but have a trendy look to it. They come in six different pastel colors. Anyone who enjoys pastel would love these to wear in the pool or at the beach. There is a tiny little detailing going on in the front part.
Pastel Gothic Mini Dresses
These mini goth dresses are super adorable. They come in five different stylish variations. Each one is different from another and one thing similar in all of them is their adorableness. If you like galaxy, you can pick that one, if you like it simple, you can choose the plain pink one etc.
Pastel Bikini Bottom
These are simple bikini bottoms to go with your matching or color contrasted bikini top. There are six varieties available. They range between pink, purple, violet, blue, navy blue and sky blue. All of them would suit anyone and everyone.
Pants Pastel Gradient
These pants are for teens, young adults and any women who enjoys pastel color. They are the perfect tribute to pastel and rainbow. They are sports pants, you can do yoga in them too and sleep in it too.
Pastel Gothic Crop Tops – Pack Five
Here are 12 exciting crop top designs that are gothic in theme. They are super cute to look at and very comfortably fashioned. They would look with both skirts and pants. The floral prints are exceptional and the donut design crop top is very cute too.
Top Pastel Gradient
This is a simple full sleeved top that is very pastel and suitable for both sleeping and doing exercise, yoga or running. It will match with the rainbow pants earlier we talked about. The back portion has an Adidas logo on it.
Pastel Goth Accessory Headband
If you want to take one step forward with your gothic look then this headband will do proper justice. It can also serve as a good costume if you want to role play. It combines spikes with roses which is a killer combination.
Pastel Goth CAS Screens
Cas screen has the potential to make the surroundings beautiful. These cas screens are pastel and very soothing to the eyes. They come in 12 colors. Since there is a good variety, you can choose the cas screen that best suits your Sim’s personality.
Pastel Goth Dress and Shirt Base Game compatible
These goth dresses are very graphic and bold. They look very trendy and they are partly Halloween themed or you can call gothic themed. The shirts are again very graphic and trendy too. These dress prints and the shirt prints are the same. You can choose from six different prints and colors.
Get Ready for Babies
If you’ve ever created a whole family in The Sims 4, then you probably know of the important role that babies play. Once the time is right, they arrive in your household and all of a sudden, everyone’s attention and energy are focused on them. But, not every Simmer is prepared for all the headaches that babies cause. That’s why we decided to help you and enhance your gameplay with these quality of life mods and CC. Enjoy!
The Best Baby Mods and CC for The Sims 4
Comfortable Maxis Match Newborn Baby Clothes
Babies need a lot of comfort, so you better be ready to give them that! This mod is a collection of baby clothes that go super well with their size and character. There are variants for both males and females, so you’re all covered. If you want to download them, you can do so from this link.
Try for Baby In Larger Households
Who else hates the limit for creating babies? For those of us who love big families, it’s really important to be able to create as many children as we want! Well, Claudiasharon has done a brilliant job of removing that limit – and with this mod you can make up to 25 babies. For more info and a download, click here.
Orphan Children Aren’t Deleted / Children Can Care For Babies and Pay Bills
We’ve all heard heroic stories of children who raised other children. Drchillgood has put the option for our Sims 4 kids to do that, giving them the ability to pay bills and take care of babies. It is a mod to complete your gameplay experience and if you like it, you can make a download at this site.
Easygoing Baby for Easier Lives
Anyone who has had even one baby in The Sims 4 knows how demanding a job it is! Babies require your other Sims for everything. And that’s why Egureh has created this mod – to easy the lives of the rest of the family. Here the baby’s needs are toned down, it satisfies with less and leaves its parents free a lot more. If you experience this problem, then you should definitely give this CC a try and download it from here.
MMS Good Baby Movement / More Baby Options
The Sims 4 mods and CC are a great way to add some flavor in the gameplay. Here is a perfect example for that – a mod that will give you a lot of new things to do together with your baby. Read a bedtime story to it, sing a lullaby or play outside – whatever is your wish, this CC has it! It’s a creation by Laska2222 and you can download it directly from here.
Less Success for Try for Baby
For those who don’t want a new little devil every time they press Try for Baby option, here is a gentle solution. This mod smooths out the chances of remaining pregnant, setting the odds somewhere at the middle. That way the whole process feels more natural. This mod is available for download at ModTheSims.

Ghosts Can Have Babies
For the longest time, ghosts in The Sims 4 have been able to fall in love and get married… but not to get pregnant. Well, PolarBearSims has made that change for us! Those of you who play a ghost and want the complete experience, we’re sure that you’ll love this mod. Hurry up and download it from here.
Sims Four Mermaid Mod
Smarter Baby Care – v5
Scumbumbo has also made some amazing changes to how we raise our babies. With this mod, your adult Sims will definitely spend a lot more time with the baby, making intelligent decisions about how to calm it, when to feed it and everything else in between. It’s a wonderful addition that you absolutely need to download. You can do so here.
Parenting Skill for Teens
Sometimes, the older brothers and sisters need to step up and take care of their younger siblings. With this CC, when the parents are too busy, your teen Sims can teach your children what to do and how to do it, from homework to manners. The teens will acquire the parenting skills and the children will learn a lot from them. It’s a fantastic addition to have, so we recommend it a 100%. You can make a download at ModTheSims. Happy simming!

Still not enough?
Still not enough? Then have a look at our list of the most awesome babycribs mods for The Sims 4!