- It’s 3700 words of a psychic snake-girl psychic you off extra hard so your little trapdick will grow to a respectable size. At the time of this writing, I’m also 1700 words into a blowjob for normal folks – that is to say anyone from 6+ to 35 inches long.
- Working in tandem with the Grey Knights' formidable psychic powers, the Aegis armour protects the wearers from the effects of the Immaterium and the Daemons it spawns. The armour's ritual blessings and psychic resonance also serve to confound the perception of any enemy, resulting in an effect called the Shrouding.
Chapter Master is the protagonist of Chapter Quest who commands the Ghosts of Retribution in their task of protecting Sector Deus. His name is lost to Imperial History but his deeds speak better than any words. 1 Physical appearance 2 Stats, Skills & Traits 2.1 Traits 2.2 Skill s 3 Psychic Powers 4 Equipment 5 History 6 Gallery Chapter Master stands at approximately eight feet tall, almost a. Trials in Tainted Space (NSFW) Zil Alt Form; Fluid In Form – Body is more receptive to positive changes, recognizable despite form changes, accepted for it. Sexual Conformity – Able to make any and all forms compatible with a chosen-species’ preference and reproductive organs.
This category refers to all NPCs who have psychic powers and are capable of demonstrating psionic abilities. This includes telepathy and mind-reading, telekinesis, psychokinesis, hypnosis and mind control, divination, and sorcery. And it only qualifies if the character in question is capable of doing at least one of these things without the direct aid of a machine or weapon of some sort.
Pages in category ‘Psychics’
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
Because what are friends for, if not plugging?
No, but seriously a long time friend of mine is working on a game to release on Steam, and I told him I’d use my phenomenal perverted powers to hook him up with some free advertisement. The game is called Attack on Kitten and you can find it on KickStarter. They’ve already punched their way through the Steam Greenlight process!
Okay, toggling shill-mode off and disappearing back into Tax & Accounting work. Yay, business!
I am lord business, and I did some more TiTS work! Nobody seems to have given me any bugs with the plantation, so I am left to assume that I am perfect in every way.

Trials In Tainted Space Psychic Powers Book
0.7.32 Changelog:
Trials In Tainted Space Psychic Powers
- New character on Canadia Station: Mabbs. She’s a drug-dealing rodenian (CODEX PENDING). She’s also immune to Cap’n Steele’s wiles.
- New bust: Mabbs.
- Plantation Quest update: Burt and Flahne have a small bit of text if you get the best end to the plantation quest.
- More vending machines on Myrellion, including new vending machines with two new items: Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Loftcake (written by Couch, coded by Jacques00).
- Various fixes and tweaks.